We all think very carefully about the type of clients we really would like to work with.
We craft 100's of words to attract our ideal clients towards us through our outputs.
We write blogs aimed to catch their attention.
We show up regularly to comment, encourage, like, share, promote, engage and help.
So what do you do when the wrong type of work lands on your desk?
In my 12 years of running Essential PA I have found that it's really a very good idea to politely decline the wrong type of work, non niche work, work you don't enjoy, work you don't leap out of bed to do, work you really don't have the skill set for and just simply say the following...
Thank you so much for considering our business for this project. Could we please recommend [insert name here] who is absolutely brilliant at this type of work.
You've been polite. You've been helpful. You've kept to your strategy. You've given work to another.