How do your charges work?
We track all time worked on your account each month and we send you a detailed timesheet at each month end.
How do I know what you’ve been working on?
We detail our time worked by task type. Typically these are labelled – travel, diary management, invoicing, credit control etc.
How will you charge me?
If your Essential PA works 2 hours and 43 minutes in one month that’s what you’ll be charged. We don’t round up and we don’t round down time worked.
Is there a minimum charge?
Yes. We charge a one-hour minimum for each one off project.
Who will I be working with?
We will appoint a dedicated Essential PA and account manager to your account. Your PA will be entirely suited to you and your business.
What happens when my Essential PA goes on holiday?
We always provide a back up PA to cover holidays and any sickness.
Will I always work with the same assistant?
Yes. However, if you wanted a task to be completed which was outside your PA’s skill set we would bring the task back to the entire Essential PA team in order to complete the task for you.
Where are you located?
Our head office is in Devon. Our team of Essential PA’s are based throughout the UK.
How will you protect my privacy?
We take several measures. We are registered with the Information Commissioner – Data Protection registration ZA753894. We use external hard drives for data back ups. We use cloud storage for client work, which is accessible by the client and by Essential PA.
Could I retain your services?
Certainly. Retained clients take priority over pay as you go clients. Your fees will become due on the first of each month in advance. You may also benefit from discounted fees.
Can I work on a pay as you go rate?
Certainly. You will incur a one-hour minimum fee.
What are your fees?
We will send you our fees sheet upon application to work with us although fees are visible on the website.
May I speak to one of your existing clients for a verbal reference?
Of course. We offer this to all new enquirers.
Could we meet our PA?
If this is an important prerequisite yes, of course.
Is there anything else to pay for?
Only if we’re seriously out of pocket!
Do you have terms and conditions of business?
Yes, they are available upon to view on the website.
Please contact us if you’d like to know anything more. 07516 769222