Phillippa GoodwinApr 18, 2023How to easily make additional sales revenue whilst doing absolutely nothing.If you run a small to medium sized business you will quickly find that you really don't have time to take care of every single aspect of...
Phillippa GoodwinMay 20, 2021Greet everyone with warmth.Because you never know where a meeting is going to take you, your business and your colleagues. Five years ago a wannabe VA connected...
Phillippa GoodwinMar 23, 2021Worn out? Not worn down!My daily mantra for the last 365 days has really been "don't complain". My children are both young working adults (one in the #nhs) and I...
Phillippa GoodwinFeb 18, 2021I admit to being a control freak.But the "buck" does ultimately stop with me as the MD of EPA. However, we are a multi #VA company and each member of our team has...
Phillippa GoodwinFeb 15, 2021Where's the fun?You are a specialist dental surgeon You place complex dental implants Your clients are private dental clinics Your business and client...